Hi All
I'm trying to generate a report that reads from a temporary table. However, the temporary table should be populated from a Query when a user runs the report. So far no data pulls through (empty error).
I have used pattern from Dynamics 365 Business Central: Using the query as a data source for a page (Query.Open Method) | Dynamics 365 Lab (yzhums.com)
So far this is my code and I have tried triggers predataItem and onaftergetrecord:
column(Lot; Lot) { } column(Serial; Serial) { } trigger OnPreDataItem() var LotByBinTemp: Record LotByBinTemp; LotByBinQuery: Query LotNumbersbyBin; begin LotByBinTemp.DeleteAll(); if LotByBinQuery.Open() then begin while LotByBinQuery.Read() do begin LotByBinTemp.Init(); LotByBinTemp.RowNo := LotByBinTemp.RowNo 1; LotByBinTemp.Location := LotByBinQuery.Location_Code; LotByBinTemp.ItemNo := LotByBinQuery.Item_No; LotByBinTemp.Lot := LotByBinQuery.Lot_No; LotByBinTemp.Serial := LotByBinQuery.Serial_No; LotByBinTemp.Insert(); end; LotByBinQuery.Close(); end; End;