we're having an issue when switching an event from the format "onsite" to "webinar". The event-URL is deleted every time the format is a webinar.
As we're using the portal for registrations for every event, we also want to provide a URL to guide customers to the event site on the portal. As the URL is deleted for the webinar, this is not possible. Without a list of registrations, we cannot even send further information or the webinar links to the customers.
How should we register customers for events then? What is the logic behind this? What is the work-around?
It would be great to get feedback on this asap, as we want to go live beginning of January
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Hi Clofly,
thanks for the explanation. I guess we will use the Hybrid-Setting to use the webinar functionality and the Event registration as well.
Thanks for helping!
Regards, Lukas
Hey Lucas,
As a part of the Oct 2020 update, the format field should be hidden from the event form - and should be automatically set when you decide whether you'd like to live stream the event or not.
Could you please update your application - this will also allow for Teams integration to be added as a webinar provider - and see whether that resolves the issue?
(Why is this happening originally?
Since in the past - we only supported ON24 as a webinar provider, we switched out the event URL field and added the ON24 URL when the ON24 webinar was created.)
Hi Lukas,
Could the answer help you?
Hi Lukas,
When an event is set to webinar, it will be regarded as webinar-only by system; in other word for this situation, the useful link for customers becomes to Webinar URL, they will register event via the Webinar URL instead of Event URL, so the event url value will be cleaned.
Therefore, the third format Hybrid would be applicable for your scenario: to simulcast a live session for attendees who can't make it to the venue to attend a live event, we can keep event URL and webinar URL at same time.
Hi Clofly,
thanks for the fast response! I guess it's supposed to work that way, but the (I think) legitimate question from our customer is: Why?
I thought about that as well, but didn't want to build custom logic before knowing why this is built that way. And it might confuse the users as well when we add a thrid Event-URL field to the form :(
Best regards
Hi Lukas,
It might be just by design: when the format of event is set to Webinar, a plug-in will be triggered to clear Event URL.
Here is a workaround:
Create a custom text field(e.g: new_copyurl) as replicate of event URL, run following function at OnLoad event of Event form to copy value of the original field.
function copyURL(executionContext) { var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); var eventURL = formContext.getAttribute("msevtmgt_publiceventurl").getValue(); if (eventURL !== null) { formContext.getAttribute("new_copyurl").setValue(eventURL); } }
How does it work:
1. Switch format of event to on site.
2. Save the record and refresh the form, the custom field will be populate with value of Event URL.
By then the value will always be kept even if the format is switched to Webinar again.
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