I want to remove completed activities from system
I want to remove all activities ModifiedOn (Last updated) 1/17/2019 as shown in image, Activity type is Case Resolution but not understanding how to Advance find or remove (delete).
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This is a pretty old topic, but I was facing a very similar problem and found a way to use PowerAutomate to bulk delete activities. This seemed to be pretty useful because the OOB Bulk Deletion tool does not allow one to select Activities or some of the types of Activities (you can choose Email for example, but you can't choose Case Resolution or Quote Close)
You can use Advanced Find to build your query, Download the fetch xml from the saved view, open in a text editor, and then paste that query into the List Rows step
Are you sure that type of that activity you want to delete is activity type "Case Resolution"?
If it is? Check Value on form for Activity Type field for Case Resolution.
And delete it from base like this
delete from dbo.ActivityBase
where activitytypecode = '4206' and
modifiedon = '1/17/2019';
p.s. Use first 'select *' instead of 'delete' to see all rows that you will delete with delete from statement
Advance Find does not list Case Resolution as an activity. But you can get to it by selecting Activity and filtering it to show only Case Resolution type activities
Please see below.
Once you are happy with the advance find results, then click on Download Fetch XML button and use the query in the Xrm toolbox plugin i mentioned in my previous post above to delete all of them.
Dears, actually my problem is i can't find entity "Case Resolution" in Advance find or SQL or in bulk delete. When i open account i can see related activities when i open specific activity it opens and activity name is Case Resolution , my question is how can i find Case Resolution entity. If i go to advance find it bring all activities(Phone, email etc) i want to open activities with type Case Resolution. In Advance Find under activities i don't get any Activity type with name Case resolution.
You can also delete with MS SQL if u know how.
That way you can delete much more within seconds.
I'm not recommending doing that if you are not familiar with SQL Queries.
My personal thought is to delete from Advanced find , 5000 data is not so big amount . You can set record per page "250" by going to settings --> Under General Tab . Once you done delete from advanced find its not take more than 30 mins.
Out of the Box Bulk Delete does not support deleting Case Resolution Activity.
if my above mentioned Advance Find approach is not suitable because of large number of records, you could use the following approach.
You cant use workflow to delete because workflow does not support Delete step unless we have custom workflow activity to do so.
I would say you build your FETCH query using Advance find and then use the XRMToolBox (https://www.xrmtoolbox.com/) Bulk Delete Tool plugin mentioned below to delete
Hope this helps
You Can do it from bulk deletion.
This will work for single or few entities to delete, i want to delete more then 5000 activites (Case Resolution) i need bulk deletion or i want to create a job
If i have only one activity to delete, this will work, but i want to delete 6000 Case Resolution Activites
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