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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...
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Closing Purchase Orders / Concur Invoice Integration

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We have implemented Concur Invoice and Business Central using a third party connector, Wipfli. The challenge we have is this: our purchase orders are not closed or even recognized when the vendor invoice information is extracted from Concur into BC. We're ending up with hundreds of open purchase orders, even though these have all been fulfilled. Here's a summary of pur vendor invocing process:
  1. We enter purchase orders in BC
  2. We pass these purchase orders to Concur
  3. Our vendors email Concur their invoices
  4. Concur receives and captures the vendor invoice and extracts the invoice information
  5. Our team processes the invoice through Concur
  6. We extract he payment information from Concur into BC
  7. We pay the vendor
Nowhere in our process is the purchase order closed or even marked as fulfilled. This is a problem since we have open purchase orders that have been fulfilled and should be closed.
Hoping someone on the BC Forum can help with a resolution.
Thank you,
Mark Levine
Chief Financial Officer
Show Imaging, Inc.
  • ML-16052055-0 Profile Picture
    ML-16052055-0 17 on at
    Closing Purchase Orders / Concur Invoice Integration
    Hi Valentin,
    This might work, but I was really hoping to be able to use the native Concur functionality to be able to link the PO and purchase invoice. Our implementation partners seem to have completely ignored our requirements.
    I run your solution by our team and see what they think.
    Thank you,
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 26,328 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Closing Purchase Orders / Concur Invoice Integration
    In Business Central when you create a Purchase Invoice, you have the option to apply it to a receipt that was created on a Purchase Order. This essentially creates the link between the Purchase Invoice and the Purchase Order. 
    The action on a Purchase Invoice is here:
    Would something like that work? The Purchase Orders would get received by the purchasing/receiving department. When the Purchase Invoices are created, rather than adding the lines manually, the lines are created by using the Get Receipt Lines function.
    When the Purchase Invoice is subsequently posted, the system would update your Purchase Orders as well to mark them as invoiced. 
  • ML-16052055-0 Profile Picture
    ML-16052055-0 17 on at
    Closing Purchase Orders / Concur Invoice Integration
    Hi Valentine,
    Thank you for responding.
    It is true that "rather than invoicing it directly from the purchase order, in step 4 a separate invoice is created". But that's where our process stops. We didn't build the functiionality to apply the "invoice to the purchase order". The purchase invocies we create in Concur are extracted into BC, but don't get back to the purchase order. It's almost like the purchase invoices are independent documents from the purchase order. 
    Any ideas on how to get the purchase invoice and the purchase order linked up with the data that's extracted from Concur?  I need to either rework the Concur/BC process or start from scratch!
    Thanks again,
    Mark Levine
    Chief Financial Officer
    Show Imaging, Inc.
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 26,328 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Closing Purchase Orders / Concur Invoice Integration
    Just to confirm - during step 4 is that when an invoice is created and posted in Business Central?
    If so, if in Business Central you create a purchase order in step 1, and then rather than invoicing it directly from the purchase order, in step 4 a separate invoice is created that is applied to the purchase order - Business Central will not mark the purchase orders as closed. It will leave them there. You have two options:
    1. manually delete all purchase orders that are fully received/invoiced
    2. search and run the Delete Invoiced Purchase Orders function. This function will go through the purchase order list and delete all orders that are fully received/invoiced.

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