RE: Collection Management Advanced Query
Hi Sandip,
What I think you may be happening is you are seeing all the customers that have an invoice open on their account that is at 45 days but they may have invoices that are older or more recent than that as well.
Although your query is based on 45 days only, you will see any and all invoices open for any customer that has an invoice at 45 days.
For example say a customer has 4 invoices open on their account and you want to run your query on the 45 days but the customer has the following invoices dated 5/1/15, 5/3/15, 5/30/15, and 4/28/15 open on their account. The only invoice you are looking for would be invoice dated 5/3/15 as that would put it 45 days out from today (based on document date, not due date). Am I correct in how the query pulled for you?
When you run the report it tells you how many items meet your qualifications. When I ran my report it told me that there were 14 documents that fell in the day range I was looking for.
I apologize if my responses are lenghty...
Might I suggest running a smartlist or smartview report instead?