RE: New to MS Dynamics RMS
I really just want an overview of how the system is organized and the philosophy behind it - I find it much easier to troubleshoot when I understand what the goals of the program are, and how it works together with the possible customizations. The system was installed here several years ago and the trained individuals have all moved on, so I'm somewhat starting from scratch, except for those who know how to operate the pieces that they use of the system.
Example: I don't understand how why I am using Headquarters Manager and Store Operations Manager to process POs and transfer inventories - why are these functions across two separate programs and logins? It seems as though the Headquarters should be able to operate as central processing and keep track of the central warehouse - but the warehouse inventory tracking is run using SOM....that's the kind of basic info I want to understand so I can fit the rest of the pieces I'm learning together.
And also for inventories, the Snapshot Store Quantity list doesn't allow you to sort by departments so I can just see what a store has of taxable merchandise on hand to help them with physical inventory - why can't the inventory be printed out with what's on hand next to item counted when a New Physical Inventory is created? Is that possible?
It makes me miss Quickbooks