Dear all,
from the general ledger entries, we have the option for print the voucher for all the transactions. Right now we want to bring approvers name on the prints. (1st level, 2nd level etc) which comes from the Posted approval entries.
Approver 1 and approver 2 for this eg
what all the corrections need to do in this coding ..pls request all your helps
reportextension 58101 "ApproverId-GL Register" extends "GL Register Report One" { dataset { // Add changes to dataitems and columns here add("G/L Entry") { } add(PageLoop) { column(Approver1; Approver1) { } } modify("G/L Entry") { trigger OnAfterAfterGetRecord() var ApprovalEntry: Record "Posted Approval Entry"; begin Clear(Approver1); ApprovalEntry.Reset(); ApprovalEntry.SetRange("Document No.", "G/L Entry"."No."); IF ApprovalEntry.FindFirst() then Approver1 := ApprovalEntry."Approver ID" end; } } rendering { layout(LayoutName) { Type = RDLC; LayoutFile = './ReportLayouts/GLRegisterNewOnee.rdl'; } } var Approver1: Code[20]; Approver2: Code[20]; }