Dear all Happy New year,
Am currently developing a report which will display Item No, Entry type invoiced Qty(in positive digit), Customer/Vendor Item variant code, a description I know some of the data can be obtained by linking two tables Item Ledge Entry and Item Variant. Now when I run my report I got all information for all Variant while am specifying which variant i want in request page. below is my piece of code and how report behaves.
dataitem("Item Ledger Entry"; "Item Ledger Entry")
RequestFilterFields = "Item No.", "Entry Type";
column(Item_No_; "Item No.") { }
column(Invoiced_Quantity; "Invoiced Quantity") { }
column(Entry_Type; "Entry Type") { }
dataitem("Item Variant"; "Item Variant")
RequestFilterFields = Code;
DataItemLink = "Item No." = field("Item No.");
column(Code; Code) { }
column(Description; Description) { }
I did only Sales of Variant TEST002 red one but when pulling data on report all other comes.
thank you for your assistance.