The following is copy and pasted from the documents tab under vendor maintenance. This is the only document ever processed for this vendor. There are a few of these though and I need to know what was going on in order for this to happen. My accounts payable person that did this is no longer with the company, so I can't ask her, plus I don't think she could tell me . If additional information is needed, please let me know. (PS: I know the period to post on the original check is wrong, but don't think that would have affect on why i get 2 lines that say zero check). Thanks in advance.
Type Ref Nbr Date Status Orig Amt Doc Bal Inv No. Batch Per Ent Per Post Per Closed Date Clrd
Voucher 100920 2/4/2011 Active 68.76 .00 MOST 7167 011837 06-2010 08-2010 08-2010 / /
Check 074049 2/4/2011 Void -68.76 .00 011839 06-2010 08-2011 08-2010 / /
Void Check 074049 2/4/2011 Void 68.76 .00 MOST 7167 011842 06-2010 08-2010 08-2010 / /
Debit Adjustment 100985 2/4/2011 Active -68.76 .00 MOST 7167 011844 07-2010 08-2010 08-2010 / /
Zero Check 074081 2/11/2011 Cleared 68.76 .00 011849 07-2010 08-2010 08-2010 2/11/2011
Zero Check 074081 2/11/2011 Cleared -68.76 .00 011849 07-2010 08-2010 08-2010 2/11/2011
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