Possibility to copy the setups made in one company / backup an existing company in D365 F&O
Hi Saravanan,
Adding some additional words to the reply from Martin. You can only create a backup of a full SQL database, including all legal entities, not a single one with its transactions.
For moving data, you can use the Data Management features in the System Administration area to copy setup data or export and import it. This is working with data entities. The data entities are flattening the data model to be able to use natural field values instead of reference record IDs when exporting and importing data.
Martin Dráb230,379Most Valuable Professional
on at
Possibility to copy the setups made in one company / backup an existing company in D365 F&O
A database backup and restore is no solution if you want just some selected data and not the whole database.
You can data entities to export data from one place and import it somewhere else (another environment or another company in the same environment).
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