RE: BC Integration with Dataverse -Item -Product
The synchronization is right.
All fields that are synchronized from Item BC are going well to CE ,except field Type.
In BC Field "Type" in Item Table is enum with values
value(0; "Inventory") { Caption = 'Inventory'; }
value(1; "Service") { Caption = 'Service'; }
value(2; "Non-Inventory") { Caption = 'Non-Inventory'; }
whereas field "Field Service Product Type" is Option in"CRM Product" table with this values
OptionMembers = " ",Inventory,"Non-Inventory",Labour;
OptionOrdinalValues = -1, 690970000, 690970001, 690970002;
I have done field mapping with this two fields and Id doesn't work properly. It doesn't sent the properly value to CE.
I need to do Direction::ToIntegrationTable .
for example if I select type Inventory in my Item and than create than Synchronize that Item with Item in CE it doesn't inherit this value to "Field Service Product Type" field.
I want to now If anyone has the same issue like me