Need help. An invoice was entered using the Receiving Transactions Entry Shipment/Invoice Option. There was some difficulty posting batch, but finally batch posted. However, when going to the Vendor Inquiry Window invoice does not show on as open. Information is correctly displayed under the inquiry window for Purchase Order Processing Document Inquiry: there is the PO, the Shipment/Invoice. When checking GL accounts that were affected during the posting, everything shows as posted, but there is no trace of invoice when running smart list. Already did Check Link under Maintenance for Purchasing Series Purchasing Transactions but did not solve the problem. What else could I do?
*This post is locked for comments
I will keep this in mind when a similar situation arises. Thanks!
That's a very good one too! It's really useful when you can't figure out where a record is coming from in the system.
Just for documentation purposes, the "spSearchOnAllDB.sql" script does the job greatly as well. Its performance is considerable and provide the result straight to the point. Although, the result data set is different as it provides tables name, column name and column value, as shown below:
-- For example:
exec spSearchOnAllDB 'PO0997%'
I believe it is more dynamic and can deliver the purpose not only for this case, but for any other similar case. Here is the stored procedure spSearchOnAllDB: SQL Stored Procedure to Search an Entire Database
Joshua, you are awesome. Because we had time constraints, we had to call Microsoft support, and guess what...they ran this same script:-). Thanks! There was no easy way to fix this problem. I was hoping there was something out there to push the batch to show up on the payables side, but there is not. The solution was to re-enter batch and post from the purchasing module only.
Thanks again!
It means I don't need to impress, lol.
Yes attachments for sql scripts is a good suggestion and need.
:) Wish there was a way to attach the scripts directly instead of text. The above script is one of my favorites and can get to the heart of an issue with POP really quick (I didn't write this one).
@Joshua Page. OMG. :)
Hi Dinora!
This one can be a little tricky since there's many things that can be going on. First you will want to run the below allPO script to verify everything is correct with the PO on the backend. This also has the PM tables in it as well. If the doc was created on the PM side at all it should show up in this script. It's also possible that there was an interruption in which case the record may very well be missing from the PM side as you suspect, usually if that's the case though GL doesn't get updated correctly as well making me think there may be something else going on since you mentioned the GL is correct. You may also want to check your PM00400,PM20000, and PM30200 for records that are missing a doc number\voucher number as well.
in the below script you replace POXXXX of the line "select @PONUMBER = 'POXXXX'" with the PO number that the receipt was created from and it will pull all the information for the PO allowing you to make sure everything is looking good on the backend.
/********************************************************************************* ** All PO and receipt info for a PO. Includes all POP tables as well as ** INV, PM and GL including: ** POP10100 - Purchase Order Work ** POP10110 - Purchase Order Line ** POP10150 - Purchase Order Comment (header) ** POP10550 - Purchasing Comment (line) ** POP10160 - Purchase Order Tax ** POP30100 - Purchase Order History ** POP30110 - Purchase Order Line History ** POP30160 - Purchase Order Tax History ** POP10500 - Purchasing Receipt Line Quantites ** POP10600 - Purchasing Shipment Invoice Apply ** POP10300 - Purchasing Receipt Work ** POP10306 - Purchasing Receipt User-Defined ** POP10310 - Purchasing Receipt Line ** POP10330 - Purchasing Serial Lot Work ** POP10360 - Purchasing Tax ** POP10390 - Purchasing Distribution Work ** POP10700 - Purchasing Landed Cost ** POP30300 - Purchasing Receipt History ** POP30310 - Purchasing Receipt Line History ** POP30330 - Purchasing Serial Lot History ** POP30360 - Purchasing Tax History ** POP30390 - Purchasing Distribution History ** POP30700 - Purchasing Landed Cost History ** IV10200 - Inventory Purchase Receipts Work ** IV30300 - Inventory Transaction Amounts History ** IV30301 - Inventory Transaction Detail History ** IV30302 - Inventory Transaction Bin Quantities History ** shouldn't be any records in IV30400 - Item Serial and Lot Number Hist ** shouldn't be any records in IV30500 - Inventory Distribution History ** PM00400 - PM Keys ** PM20000/PM30200 - PM Open / PM History ** PM10100/PM30600 - Dist open / Dist hist (VCHRNMBR, CNTRLTYP) ** GL10001/GL20000/GL30000 - GL work / GL open / GL history ** ** ^Project Accounting ** PA10600 - PA PO Work ** PA10601 - PA PO Line Work ** PA10602 - PA PO Tax Work ** PA10701 - PA PO Receipt Work ** PA10702 - PA PO Receipt Line Work ** PA10721 - PA PO Receipt Line Quantities Work ** PA30600 - PA PO History ** PA30601 - PA PO Line History ** PA30602 - PA PO Tax History ** PA31101 - PA PO Receipt History ** PA31102 - PA PO Receipt Line History ** ** ^Encumbrance Management ** ENC10110 - Encumbrance PO Line ** ENC10111 - Encumbrance Line Changes ** ENC10500 - Encumbrance Received Transactions ** ENC10500 - Purchasing Serial Lot History (Receipt) ** ENCAA10110 - Encumbrance AA PO Line ** ** ^HITB ** SEE30303 - HITB Transaction History Detail ** ** ^Purchase Order Enhancements ** CPO10110 - POP Line Control ** CPO10111 - POP Alloc Line Control ** CPO10113 - POE Unposted GL Transactions ** ** ^Sales Order Processing ** SOP60100 - SOP_POPLink ** ** Input PONUMBER ** *********************************************************************************/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare @PONUMBER char(20) select @PONUMBER = 'POXXXX' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set nocount on if exists (select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name = '##POPRCTNM') drop table dbo.##POPRCTNM create table ##POPRCTNM (POPRCTNM char(17)) insert into ##POPRCTNM (POPRCTNM) select POPRCTNM from POP10310 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER union select POPRCTNM from POP10500 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER union select POPRCTNM from POP30310 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER print 'POP PO info' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists (select * from POP10100 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER) Begin print 'POP10100 - Purchase Order Work' select * from POP10100 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER End if exists (select * from POP10110 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER) Begin print 'POP10110 - Purchase Order Line' select * from POP10110 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER End if exists (select * from POP10150 where POPNUMBE = @PONUMBER) Begin print 'POP10150 - Purchase Order Comment (header)' select * from POP10150 where POPNUMBE = @PONUMBER End if exists (select * from POP10550 where POPNUMBE = @PONUMBER) Begin print 'POP10550 - Purchasing Comment (line)' select * from POP10550 where POPNUMBE = @PONUMBER End if exists (select * from POP10160 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER) Begin print 'POP10160 - Purchase Order Tax' select * from POP10160 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER End if exists (select * from POP30100 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER) Begin print 'POP30100 - Purchase Order History' select * from POP30100 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER End if exists (select * from POP30110 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER) Begin print 'POP30110 - Purchase Order Line History' select * from POP30110 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER End if exists (select * from POP30160 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER) Begin print 'POP30160 - Purchase Order Tax History' select * from POP30160 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER End print 'POP All apply info for PO' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists (select * from POP10500 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP10500 - Purchasing Receipt Line Quantites' select * from POP10500 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP10600 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP10600 - Purchasing Shipment Invoice Apply' select * from POP10600 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) end print 'POP All work receipt info for PO' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists (select * from POP10300 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP10300 - Purchasing Receipt Work' select * from POP10300 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP10306 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP10306 - Purchasing Receipt User-Defined' select * from POP10306 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP10310 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER) Begin print 'POP10310 - Purchasing Receipt Line' select * from POP10310 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER End if exists (select * from POP10330 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP10330 - Purchasing Serial Lot Work' select * from POP10330 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP10360 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP10360 - Purchasing Tax' select * from POP10360 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP10390 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP10390 - Purchasing Distribution Work' select * from POP10390 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP10700 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP10700 - Purchasing Landed Cost' select * from POP10700 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End print 'POP All history receipt info for PO' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists (select * from POP30300 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP30300 - Purchasing Receipt History' select * from POP30300 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP30310 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP30310 - Purchasing Receipt Line History' select * from POP30310 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP30330 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP30330 - Purchasing Serial Lot History' select * from POP30330 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP30360 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP30360 - Purchasing Tax History' select * from POP30360 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP30390 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP30390 - Purchasing Distribution History' select * from POP30390 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from POP30700 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'POP30700 - Purchasing Landed Cost History' select * from POP30700 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End print 'Inventory' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists (select RCPTNMBR, * from IV10200 where RCPTNMBR in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'IV10200 - Inventory Purchase Receipts Work' select RCPTNMBR, * from IV10200 where RCPTNMBR in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from IV30300 where DOCTYPE = 4 and DOCNUMBR in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'IV30300 - Inventory Transaction Amounts History' select * from IV30300 where DOCTYPE = 4 and DOCNUMBR in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from IV30301 where DOCTYPE = 4 and DOCNUMBR in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'IV30301 - Inventory Transaction Detail History' select * from IV30301 where DOCTYPE = 4 and DOCNUMBR in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select * from IV30302 where DOCTYPE = 4 and DOCNUMBR in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'IV30302 - Inventory Transaction Bin Quantities History' select * from IV30302 where DOCTYPE = 4 and DOCNUMBR in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End -- shouldn't be any records in IV30400 (Item Serial/Lot Hist) -- shouldn't be any records in IV30500 (INV Dist History) print 'Payables' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists (select b.POPRCTNM, a.* from PM00400 a join POP30300 b on a.CNTRLNUM = b.VCHRNMBR where a.DOCTYPE = 1 and b.POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'PM00400 - PM Keys' select b.POPRCTNM, a.* from PM00400 a join POP30300 b on a.CNTRLNUM = b.VCHRNMBR where a.DOCTYPE = 1 and b.POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select b.POPRCTNM, a.DOCNUMBR, a.DOCTYPE, a.VCHRNMBR, 2 as Status, a.VENDORID, a.TRXSORCE, a.DOCDATE, a.DOCAMNT, a.CURTRXAM from PM20000 a join POP30300 b on a.VCHRNMBR = b.VCHRNMBR where a.DOCTYPE = 1 and b.POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) union select b.POPRCTNM, a.DOCNUMBR, a.DOCTYPE, a.VCHRNMBR, 3 as Status, a.VENDORID, a.TRXSORCE, a.DOCDATE, a.DOCAMNT, a.CURTRXAM from PM30200 a join POP30300 b on a.VCHRNMBR = b.VCHRNMBR where a.DOCTYPE = 1 and b.POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'PM20000/PM30200 - PM Open / PM History' select b.POPRCTNM, a.DOCNUMBR, a.DOCTYPE, a.VCHRNMBR, 2 as Status, a.VENDORID, a.TRXSORCE, a.DOCDATE, a.DOCAMNT, a.CURTRXAM from PM20000 a join POP30300 b on a.VCHRNMBR = b.VCHRNMBR where a.DOCTYPE = 1 and b.POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) union select b.POPRCTNM, a.DOCNUMBR, a.DOCTYPE, a.VCHRNMBR, 3 as Status, a.VENDORID, a.TRXSORCE, a.DOCDATE, a.DOCAMNT, a.CURTRXAM from PM30200 a join POP30300 b on a.VCHRNMBR = b.VCHRNMBR where a.DOCTYPE = 1 and b.POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End if exists (select b.POPRCTNM, a.VCHRNMBR, a.TRXSORCE, 2 as Status, a.DSTSQNUM, a.DEBITAMT, a.CRDTAMNT, a.DSTINDX from PM10100 a join POP30300 b on a.VCHRNMBR = b.VCHRNMBR where a.CNTRLTYP = 0 and b.POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) union select b.POPRCTNM, a.VCHRNMBR, a.TRXSORCE, 3 as Status, a.DSTSQNUM, a.DEBITAMT, a.CRDTAMNT, a.DSTINDX from PM30600 a join POP30300 b on a.VCHRNMBR = b.VCHRNMBR where a.CNTRLTYP = 0 and b.POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) Begin print 'PM10100/PM30600 - PM Dist open / PM Dist History' select b.POPRCTNM, a.VCHRNMBR, a.TRXSORCE, 2 as Status, a.DSTSQNUM, a.DEBITAMT, a.CRDTAMNT, a.DSTINDX from PM10100 a join POP30300 b on a.VCHRNMBR = b.VCHRNMBR where a.CNTRLTYP = 0 and b.POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) union select b.POPRCTNM, a.VCHRNMBR, a.TRXSORCE, 3 as Status, a.DSTSQNUM, a.DEBITAMT, a.CRDTAMNT, a.DSTINDX from PM30600 a join POP30300 b on a.VCHRNMBR = b.VCHRNMBR where a.CNTRLTYP = 0 and b.POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) End print 'GL' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists (select ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY, 1 as Status, sum(DEBITAMT) as Sum_DEBITAMT, sum(CRDTAMNT) as Sum_CRDTAMNT from GL10001 where ORDOCNUM in (select POPRCTNM from POP30310 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) group by ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY union select ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY, 2 as Status, sum(DEBITAMT) as Sum_DEBITAMT, sum(CRDTAMNT) as Sum_CRDTAMNT from GL20000 where SERIES = 4 and ORDOCNUM in (select POPRCTNM from POP30310 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) group by ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY union select ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY, 3 as Status, sum(DEBITAMT) as Sum_DEBITAMT, sum(CRDTAMNT) as Sum_CRDTAMNT from GL30000 where SERIES = 4 and ORDOCNUM in (select POPRCTNM from POP30310 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) group by ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY) Begin print 'GL10001/GL20000/GL30000 - GL work / GL open / GL history' select ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY, 1 as Status, sum(DEBITAMT) as Sum_DEBITAMT, sum(CRDTAMNT) as Sum_CRDTAMNT from GL10001 where ORDOCNUM in (select POPRCTNM from POP30310 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) group by ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY union select ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY, 2 as Status, sum(DEBITAMT) as Sum_DEBITAMT, sum(CRDTAMNT) as Sum_CRDTAMNT from GL20000 where SERIES = 4 and ORDOCNUM in (select POPRCTNM from POP30310 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) group by ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY union select ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY, 3 as Status, sum(DEBITAMT) as Sum_DEBITAMT, sum(CRDTAMNT) as Sum_CRDTAMNT from GL30000 where SERIES = 4 and ORDOCNUM in (select POPRCTNM from POP30310 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) group by ORDOCNUM, JRNENTRY End /* check if PA installed, if yes, check those tables */ if exists (select * from sysobjects where name ='PA10600') begin print 'Project Accounting' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists( select * from PA10600 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'PA10600 - PA PO Work' select * from PA10600 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER end if exists( select * from PA10601 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'PA10601 - PA PO Line Work' select * from PA10601 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER end if exists( select * from PA10602 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'PA10602 - PA PO Tax Work' select * from PA10602 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER end if exists(select * from PA10701 where PAVIDN in (select PAVIDN from PA10702 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER)) begin print 'PA10701 - PA PO Receipt Work' select * from PA10701 where PAVIDN in (select PAVIDN from PA10702 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER) end if exists( select * from PA10702 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'PA10702 - PA PO Receipt Line Work' select * from PA10702 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER end if exists( select * from PA10721 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'PA10721 - PA PO Receipt Line Quantities Work' select * from PA10721 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER end if exists( select * from PA30600 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'PA30600 - PA PO History' select * from PA30600 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER end if exists( select * from PA30601 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'PA30601 - PA PO Line History' select * from PA30601 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER end if exists( select * from PA30602 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'PA30602 - PA PO Tax History' select * from PA30602 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER end if exists(select * from PA31101 where PAVIDN in (select PAVIDN from PA31102 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER)) begin print 'PA31101 - PA PO Receipt History' select * from PA31101 where PAVIDN in (select PAVIDN from PA31102 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER) end if exists( select * from PA31102 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'PA31102 - PA PO Receipt Line History' select * from PA31102 where PApurordnum = @PONUMBER end end /* Check if Encumbrance tables exist */ if exists (select * from sysobjects where name ='ENC10500') begin print 'Encumbrance' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists( select * from ENC10110 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'ENC10110 - Encumbrance PO Line' select * from ENC10110 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER end if exists( select * from ENC10111 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'ENC10111 - Encumbrance Line Changes' select * from ENC10111 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER end if exists( select * from ENC10500 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'ENC10500 - Encumbrance Received Transactions (POs)' select * from ENC10500 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER end if exists (select * from ENC10500 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM)) begin print 'ENC10500 - Encumbrance Received Transactions (Receipt)' select * from ENC10500 where POPRCTNM in (select POPRCTNM from ##POPRCTNM) end if exists( select * from ENCAA10110 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'ENCAA10110 - Encumbrance AA PO Line' select * from ENCAA10110 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER end end /* Check if HITB tables exist */ if exists (select * from sysobjects where name ='SEE30303') begin print 'HITB' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists (select * from SEE30303 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'SEE30303 - HITB Transaction History Detail' select * from SEE30303 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER end end /* Check if POE tables exist */ if exists (select * from sysobjects where name ='CPO10110') begin print 'Purchase Order Enhancements' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists( select * from CPO10110 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'CPO10110 - POP Line Control' select * from CPO10110 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER end if exists( select * from CPO10111 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'CPO10111 - POP Alloc Line Control' select * from CPO10111 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER end if exists( select * from CPO10113 where DTAControlNum = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'CPO - POE Unposted GL Transactions' select * from CPO10113 where DTAControlNum = @PONUMBER end end /* Check if SOP-POP link exists */ if exists (select * from sysobjects where name ='SOP60100') begin print 'SOP to POP link' print '==================================================================================' print '' if exists( select * from SOP60100 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER ) begin print 'SOP60100 - SOP to POP link' select * from SOP60100 where PONUMBER = @PONUMBER end end set nocount off
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