Hello everyone, I'm new to AL and still learning about how the language functions. Recently, I've been trying to create a fact box that get me Item Totals by each location.
The format is so: Location Code - Item No. - Quantity Available
I'm able to get the data that I need but the issue is that I get multiple entries for one location and Item No, When I only need one entry per location. Can anyone assist me on this ? I tried playing around with the source tables and changed it to Location which helped reduce the number of results I get but then Quantity available remains at zero.
Source Code:
page 50146 "Availability by Location" { Caption = 'Availability by Location'; PageType = CardPart; SourceTableTemporary = True; SourceTable = "Item Ledger Entry"; //SourceTable = Location; layout { area(Content) { repeater(group) { field("Code"; Rec."Location Code") { ApplicationArea = All; } field("Item No."; Rec."Item No.") { ApplicationArea = All; } field("Qty Available"; Rec."Quantity by Location") { Caption = 'Quantity Available'; ApplicationArea = All; //"Item Ledger Entry".setCurrentKey() DrillDown = true; trigger OnDrillDown() var ILE: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; LocationMatrixPage: Page "Items by Location Matrix"; Item: Record Item; ItemVariant: Record "Item Variant"; Text000: Label 'The record was found'; begin ItemVariant.SetFilter("Item No.", Rec."Item No."); PAGE.Run(50036, ItemVariant); end; } } } } var Item: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; Location: Record Location; }