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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Link subitems to a parent SKU

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I uses Dynamics SL and can't find a way to itemize individual products. That is, I have an SKU taht is related to a package, but within it there are several individual items which are sold individually but don't have their own SKU rather they should be linked somehow to their parent SKU. This would eventually help us know what the ACTUAL individual piece inventory is without actually having to input each piece into the system but only by scanning the parent SKU.

 Any suggestions???

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  • Re: Re: Re: Re: Link subitems to a parent SKU
    Ok. Perfect... It seems pretty straight forward. I will let you know if anything comes up anyhow... Thx again.
  • Bob Milanowski Profile Picture
    Bob Milanowski 70 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Link subitems to a parent SKU

    No selling a kit only decrements the qtyonhand of the kit item.  When you build a kit it consumes the components, and puts the kit in stock.  The components are no longer available in inventory.  The kit maintenance and kit assembly screens are both on the inventory menu.  You can also have non-stock kits that autoexplode, so when you type in the kit id in order entry, it will ask for the qty, and then put all of the components into the order with their corresponding qty (kitqty*compqty).


  • Re: Re: Link subitems to a parent SKU

     But I could sell each individual item that is in a kit, right? Or rather I can sell a Kit and the inventory would discount 50 component out of my stock? How about if  I sell 70 components, will SL know that I am out of 1 kit already (even if I physically took out components from different cartons)?

    One more thing (I'm kinda new to SL): where can I configure these "kits", what is the name of the option/menu I must look for and where?

    Thx a lot for your help!!!

  • Bob Milanowski Profile Picture
    Bob Milanowski 70 on at
    Re: Link subitems to a parent SKU

    Define the item as a kit, which allows you to define the component parts and qty for each unit of the kit item.  SL treats kits like any other item.  You can purchase them, build them, adjust them.

    If you scan the kit item with qtyonhand of 50, then you could look through the component items and calculate how many of those are in those kits.

     One bit of caution,  SL will not know about the components wrapped up in a kit.  so if you are out of stock on one of the components, but you have kits on hand with those components, SL will not try to use those components.  You would have to adjust out the kit and adjust in the components if you want to un-kit a kit.

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