After experimenting with multiple duties and permissions in our sandbox, I am unable to figure out how to specifically assign the capability to Update the Delivery Remainder (in effect, canceling the line item) within F&O. Other - sales diagnostics on this page leads me to believe that Maintain Sales Order was the key. Added a new role including both privileges for 'Maintain sales order details' and 'view sales order details' along with the duty for 'Maintain Sales Order', and user still did not have access to All Sales Orders > Update Lines > Maintain > Update: Deliver Remainder. Any tips would be appreciated.
Permissions to F&O A/R > All Sales Orders > Update Lines > Maintain > Update: Deliver Remainder
Hi EV,
The security diagnostics is only providing information about the menu item used for the main form you opened, not for all individual form controls. I wrote some blogs about this.
In this case, the Deliver remainder is a display menu item called SalesUpdateRemain. This is included in a privilege Maintain delivery remainder on sales order (SalesUpdateRemainMaintain). This privilege is included in the duty Maintain sales order (SalesOrderMaintain).
If you assign these permissions and the user is not able to see the menu item, there might be another deny permission in another role overriding the access. If the user is able to see the menu item, but it is not enabled, in that case there is some business logic that disables the option. This is then probably depending on a particular status, but not related to security permissions.
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