I get this error when I try to use table relation with filters
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Types.DBLazy it is not the error itself but it is being inserted in the field instead of the value
Can any one help me?
I get this error when I try to use table relation with filters
Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Types.DBLazy it is not the error itself but it is being inserted in the field instead of the value
Can any one help me?
Example: field(10; ‘Additional Field’; Code[10]) { Caption = ‘Additional Field’; TableRelation = ‘Location’. ‘Additional Field’; ValidateTableRelation = false; }
pageextension 50000 ‘Location List’ extends ‘Location List’ { layout { addlast(Control1) { field(‘Additional Identifier’; Rec. ‘Additional Identifier’) { ApplicationArea = All; Visble = false; } } } }
I solved this by using OnLookup trigger, still could not figure out what was the problem
but here is the Code
field(5; "Requester"; code[20])
DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
TableRelation = Requester.OnBehalf where("User Name" = field(Preparer), Status = const(Approved));
ValidateTableRelation = false;
Maybe you can try to share your code, then it is easier to assist you in cases like this.
Or at least elaborate a little more about what you are trying to do and from where?
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