The suggestion of sign out and reload is not working as the lines are still empty for the particular journal batch number. Below is screen shot after sign out and reload.
Mr. Waed,
Above the screen shot of journal when i connected Data connector. As you can see the journal batch number, description (the journal name), posting status (No) and the debit & credit value is already displayed in excel however the Line is empty. Below is the values which are in line level in the journal.
The table browser using the link provided by you is as below:
The downloaded invoice template has value from header level like Journal batch number, Vendor name, debit & credit amount. Howver the line level values are empty.
The respective journal batch number is not available in lower environment to check this. I checked this for another journal batch number in invoice journal however the excel had all values.
Could it be issue with that particular batch number or the issue can be common for all journal batch numbers?
Do you mean the date return empty? Did you check if the field already filled from table browser or form?
Waed Ayyad
If this helped, please mark it as "Verified" for others facing the same issue
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