I have worked out a lot of bugs using Integration Manager to move employee payroll data from one company to another in Dynamics GP 2013. But I have one that I am not sure what the error is and how to fix it. I get the error:
DOC 1 ERROR: Unhandled script exception:
Illegal address for field 'DA Mandatory Deductions' in script 'APR_DIA_UPR_Employee_MNT_Deduction_WIN_PRE'. Script terminated.
SCRIPT_CMD_LOAD_ATSI11 Integration Failed
Does anyone have an idea of what is causing this? I am pulling the data directly from the SQL tables of one company and trying to im-ort into another company.
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Thank You much Somakarpagamoorthy!!!!!!!!!
The enhancement to the window was done by a vendor so when I tried to do the integration it would not work.
Removing the window change and going back to the standard Dynamics window did the trick....
Looks like you have Advanced Payroll and HR installed. Try removing that as the others mentioned.
Disable any 3rd party customization related to the Employee Deduction maintenance window in (GP-->Tools-->Customize-->Customization Status).
This problem may occur any 3rd party customization installed with the window Employee Deduction maintenance or may this window is selected as modified in Alternate Modified Forms/Report window.
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