Hi, My company is looking to integrate the Marketing app into our workflow. I have a few questions I was hoping to get answers on that I could not find in the Microsoft instructions.
1. Payment Structure- Does a single contact (I.E John Doe) count once for being used in multiple marketing initiatives, or more than once for each marketing initiative its in.
2. Scoring Model- Can it apply to contacts and leads separately, or just leads. Is there an automated process for a contact to qualify to a lead, or a lead to an opportunity or is this just an awareness to visibility?
3. Leads- In the marketing model, what is the process for when a lead is created- Who is assigned that lead? Can I assign a lead to a salesperson? Is the lead process different in the Marketing App from the Sales app?
4. Segments/Subscription lists- Can a list come from an third party vendor and be inserted into a customer journey, or do we have to create and use lists in the CRM only?
Marketing Email- What happen when an email bounces from a subscription list, will it remove that person automatically, or just report on it in the insights tab, and I have to remove it manually?
Hi Michelle,
1. Each event can only have one link, but you could create custom registration field to event registration form and store the social channel name using the field.
(To prefill the field, it requires some customization on event website with developer knowledgements.)
2. Yes, you can assign customer journey after its creation, the journey record will then be owned by salesperson.
3. Currently only links of marketing email can be tracked. So 3rd party solution might be required(such as Google UTM) to track links on your own website, please refer to following solutions shared by other community users:
Ok, Thank you!
I'm still a little confused about the tracking links when it comes to the events. Can I create separate links for an event such as one for our linkedin page and one for our twitter page so that when we do promotion on those channels, we can see how many registrations came from those channels? Can you explain how the marketing app would do that from the start of when we first are promoting the event, to the end when i'm gathering data to run reports on.
Also, can I create a customer journey and assign it to a salesperson to send out? If we can assign a journey, where does it go after I assign it?
Also regarding customer journeys, can we use outside links such as a link to our products on our website to see how many people click on this specific product?
Hi Michelle,
If the marketing form is created and owned by other user, then new leads will be assigned to him/her.
Therefore, you can change owner of your form to salesperson.
To go a step further, you can create two custom fields to Marketing Form entity, trigger a workflow on creation of contact/lead to assign the new record to others based on value of the two fields.
1. Yes, the contact will be removed from the list.
2. Content Blocks only exist in CRM, but images of content block can be referred from any source, so we can use both internal and external graphics.
3. Links of email can be tracked(clicking times).
The link only takes recipients to event website, they still need to complete registration by submitting the event form.
We can see how many times the link is clicked in the marketing email > Insights, and we check how many registrations a specific event has in Active Event Registration View by applying filter to it.
That’s was very helpful. So, when a lead is created in the marketing app from a marketing initiative, it will be assigned to the Administrator and I will have to manually change it to the salesperson I want the lead to show up in their que?
1. If a contact on a subscription list opts out of the list, will they be removed from the list?
2. Also, for Content Blocks, can we link the one location for all our content blocks to a folder location outside of CRM? Say a folder that is used company wide to store marketing graphics, or does it have to live in CRM?
3. For tracking links regarding the events, How are they used? Do they bring in registrations and can I see how many registrations came from a tracking link that is linked to an event?
Hi Michelle,
1. Once a contact engages any of marketing activities, he will be counted as Marketing Contact.
E.g: John Doe is created from a landing page, then he will be counted as a marketing contact, then 1 contact is used by the organization.
However, if we send marketing email to him later(Or he submits other form), total marketing contact will still be 1.
2. Scoring Model only applies to leads. By default, when a score reaches the sales-ready threshold, a plug-in automatically sets the sales-ready flag on the lead to True.
Then a workflow called "Lead to Opportunity Stage Transition" will be triggered accordingly, which automatically moves the lead to the sales-acceptance stage(final stage) of the lead lifecycle.
You can customize this workflow as needed such as qualifying the lead to an opportunity.
Please refer to this section:
There are other configurable settings for Scoring Model:
In a word, it will only move lead to sales-acceptance stage and mark the flag field, qualification process can be added by us manually.
3. By default there isn't process on creation of lead, the lead will be created by System if he is created from a marketing page/form, and be assigned to Administrator.
We can assign lead to others if our security roles have sufficient Assign privileges on Lead entity.
It can be said that Sales app and Marketing App are just different interface, but they share same processes or workflows.
4. Only lists can be used in CRM/customer journey.(In other word, list entity only.)
Therefore, you should store list members of the third party vendor as contact records, then create a segment/subscription list to find these contacts to engage them with customer journey.
(You can import external data via Data Import Wizard
5. It will report on Insights tab of marketing email record:
When an address returns a hard bounce, Dynamics 365 Marketing will automatically stop sending new messages to that address for six months, but your email results will still show each attempt as a hard bounce.
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