Re: Historical detailed trial balance missing reference
When you run the two reports you will note that they are not the same report. There are actually two different reports being run. You need to modify the second report and add the reference field. The first report in your current year is the Detailed Trial Balance, and the 2nd report is the Historical Detailed Trial Balance. You will need to drag reference onto the report fromt the Account Transaction Detail History table and then you will get what you are looking for.
The reason there are two reports is the fact that the underlying detail is kept in two tables. The GL20000 which contains your open year transacitons and the GL30000 which is all your history transactions. Therefore, two different reports pointing at two different tables.
Once you modify the report you are then going to have to go to the Alternate Modified Reports and give access to the users for the modified report (unless this is already a modified report). If you are having issues with Report Writer, there is a manual in the printable manuals section under reporting>>Report writer that explains how to make changes. If this is a shared dictionary for your reports do not make changes while everyone is in the system, as this could corrupt your report dictionary that is shared. To check for this: To to Tools>>Setup>>System and Edit Launch File, Highlight Great Plains and see if you are looking at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamic....\report.dic or if everyone is sharing a report.dic.
If you are sharing, talk to your consulting company so they can help you make the changes. If you don't check and corrupt the dicitonary you will be talking to them sooner that you planned.