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Fewer filtering options on grid for number-based data

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We just switched our dev environment to the UCI last month. Everything looks great but we noticed that we have fewer filtering options on a grid when it comes to number data, than we had when we were in legacy. 

For instance, we have on field called "Priorities" where we rank how likely we are to talk to certain contacts by assigning them a number 1.00-99.00. We will then send out email waves based on their priority number. Sometimes, we will want to send the same email to people we mark as 1.00s and 5.00s, but not anymore marked 2, 3, or 4. In legacy, it was easy to do such filtering, due to custom filtering. In this example, we only wanted to send emails to people marked 4 and 10:

pastedimage1605213797756v2.png          pastedimage1605213723040v1.png

Notice in the second snip, the priorities are filtered in the background. However, in the UCI, we only get these options: 


Is there a way we can filter this field by more than one number, especially numbers that aren't consecutive in UCI? Thanks for your help. Let me know if I need to clarify anything.

  • Suggested answer
    Divya Gupta Profile Picture
    Divya Gupta on at
    RE: Fewer filtering options on grid for number-based data

    You can use the "advanced filtering panel" in Unified Interface grids. Click the filter icon next to the search box. Add rows for your filters, check the boxes against these new filter rows and click ellipses next to one of them -> click 'Make group'. Set the filters in the new group as 'Or' condition. You can refer to the screenshots below where I filtered My Opportunities view on Est revenue = 25000 or 26000.



    List before the additional filters above:


    List with additional number filters added:


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