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Journal lines currency

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we are transferring expense data to Business central and we are using journal lines to do so:
However, there does not seem to be any currency for journal lines. Once a journal lines has been created through the API they end up in the Journal and from within business central they can then be "Posted".
In there, there is a currencyCode that can be set per journal line. There will be instances where different currencies will be used within the same journal and even booked on the same accounts. So the currency would need to be on a indvidiual journal line basis.
Is there a way to set this currencyCode from the API? Should we be using some other endpoint / entity / type? 
Thanks in advance.
  • Suggested answer
    MarceloBorges Profile Picture
    MarceloBorges 114 on at
    Journal lines currency
    In my experience with integrating systems with BC, whenever the API cannot accommodate for all the fields that I need, I always look into OData Webservices, as they provide similar functionality as APIs, and for the most part, they don't require customization. All you need to do, is to make sure the page that you need is published as an OData Web Service.
    Apparently, OData webservices are a little less performant than APIs, but I prefer to go that route than actually having a developer develop a Custom API -- unless I really need to process massive data on a daily basis.
    I've even had integrations in the past where I created part of the records using the standard API, then I complemented the record with additional fiels using the OData Webservice. Of course this is not ideal because you're making 2 calls to BC, but my volume was low enough that this was not a problem.
    Here's some documentation on publishing OData webservices:
    Sometimes OData has some quirks (just like APIs have its own quirks too), but if you have any questions or issues, let me know.
    Good luck!
  • Suggested answer
    gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 12,920 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Journal lines currency
    As our colleague Yun indicates, you should extend the standard api. Here is the standard code and I don't see that it works with the currency code.
    I'll give you some other interesting urls.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 75,595 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Journal lines currency
    Hi, hope the following helps.
    Dynamics 365 Business Central: Can we extend standard APIs? – Download Standard Source Code for APIs

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