RE: Web Services Installation Error
When exactly does this error occur, when you're installing the Web Services 2013 R2 code, or when you run the Configuration Wizard, to install onto the GP databases?
Is this a new install or an upgrade of Web Services? (i.e. Is there any records in the WSInstallStatus table, or does this table even exist in the DYNAMICS system database, before you began this Web Services installation?)
On the web server, logged on as your admin account, when you re-create this error, if you click on Start > Run, type in %TEMP% and click OK to open your TEMP directory, are there any log files created for the Web Services installation? If so, that may give us more information.
Other than making sure that the DYNSA is the db_owner of all GP 2013 R2 databases and that the DYNSA account has the SecurityAdmin and DBCreator roles assigned to it for SQL Server, we'd probably need a support case, as we've never seen this error that I'm able to find in our case history, so it definitely appears to be environmental, which can sometimes be tough to pinpoint.