how do you stop an invited person for an event registering multiple times, on the event portal. We’ve seen that a person who receives the marketing email invite for an event and clicks on the accept button can register as many times if they wanted to the event. How do you stop an invitee or even someone you who has been sent the event invitation from registering or maliciously writing code looping registration records.
Note we do not want clients to sign into the portal so that is not an option to use.
Hi Brad,
We could separate your demand into 3 parts:
1. You don't want to invitees(your contacts) create other irrelevant event registration record because they can submit any information successfully from Register Form in Event page.
2. You don't want to create duplicate event registration records from same contact.
3. You are worried about malicious code for loop registration.
So let us talk about solution for each situation.
Previous 2 requirements can be achieved without an event page to contacts/registrants.
1. Create a marketing email with a link to Subscription center. As we know, this type of marketing page is special: a string of ID has included in its link URL, when contact(or invitee in your scenario) enters the page, all fields were populated, because embedded code in page will take that ID string to query match record in Marketing Contact DB, and contact can only modify or update his/her own information from subscription form due to this feature. As official doc said: it only works for known contacts, which prevents spam records creation as per my understanding.
So we send contacts/invitees an email with confirmation for event registration, obviously the "Modified On" field will change when contact submitted his/her information, then the workflow that create a event registration will be triggered, and you can get contact name from Dynamic Value.
2. There is a feature called Alternate Keys, you can find it easily in Customization > Components > Entity > Key, it works as a primary key for each record. In our scenario, we add Contact and Event field as key for event registration entity, which means each event registration has unique contact and event. It will restrict duplicate record instead of only notification without prevention by duplicate detection rules.
3. Since we've done event registration without event page, it's not required.
Hope those would help.
Thanks Clofy
I will submit to the forum, thanks
Could you provide more details on what your suggest solution would be? Are you saying not to use the event portal and how you would not send the event page link?
Hi IIona thanks for your reply. Any chance you could share some of the workings on the plugin you created?
I know you would think this is something that would be OOB
Hi Brad,
I also found the issue, you could request it to Idea forum.
A workaround is to trigger a workflow to create an event registration when invitee submitted marketing form, and not send event page link or not include it in email, then set your duplicate detection rule in workflow. See here for how to set.
You could enable CAPTCHA option in General tab to prevent loop registration with malicious code.
I have the same question because this is a feature (or, lack-of-it) that there's no validation happening on the Event Registration record creation whether a contact is already registered or not. As we have built a plug-in for this I really look forward whether it is implemented soon to the product.
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