When I import a file containing 3 invoices into a batch in our live GP company (Version 11.00.1752), Integration Manager produces the following message and kicks me out of Integration Manager:
Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.exe has stopped working
Windows can check online for a solution to the problem
The Integration will run if I replace the files I am using with the sample files then import the sample files into Fabrikam.
Regarding the records in the file I am attempting to import, each customer and item in the file contains the following information in GP.
These customers are active and are not on hold
The settings in Integration Manager are as follows:
Do you have any ideas what Integration Manager may not like that is causing it to kick me out of GP and Integration Manager every time I attempt to import the file.
*This post is locked for comments
Although the Integration would run when imported to Fabrikam but not into the live company appears to be a setup issue within the company. The cause of the failure was due to a product (Dynamics Advantage) active in the background that had not been used here for several years.
This was causing the integration to try and open windows in modules we don't use which was causing the integration to fail.
Removing Dynamics Advantage from the Dynamics.set file on the machine the integration was being performed on allowed the integration to run to completion.
The fact you can run the integration into Fabrikam with no trouble, strongly points to a setup issue. If I am ever stumped on an integration, I attempt to enter the data I am trying to import into the system manually. This is often instructive as to what the core problem is. Have you tried manually entering one of your test transactions by hand?
I can enter the transactions in the file. The only messages I receive are about exceeding the customer's credit limit and a quantity shortage message.
I have override options for both of these in the integration.
If I import the file into Fabrikam, the records are imported into a batch.
Whenever you run an integration through Integration Manager remember it goes through the same processes as if you typing the data in manually. If you have a field that is the deposit amount, then IM will try to open the deposit window on the SOP entry screen. Go into GP and try to enter a sample SOP with a deposit to see what it does. In this case there will be other required fields that need values.
I have simplified the integration to the minimum number of fields. To rule out the possibility of this error being related to my machine, I ran this integration from another computer.
I was logged into the machine (network login) as the other user and logged into GP as the other user. Using these credentials, the Integration ran, but failed with the following message
DOC 1 ERROR: Unknown Great Plains field subtype '10016'. - Field 'Deposit Received' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry' - Unknown Great Plains field subtype '10016'. - Field 'Deposit Received' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry'
DOC 2 ERROR: Unknown Great Plains field subtype '10016'. - Field 'Deposit Received' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry' - Unknown Great Plains field subtype '10016'. - Field 'Deposit Received' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry'
DOC 3 ERROR: Unknown Great Plains field subtype '10016'. - Field 'Deposit Received' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry' - Unknown Great Plains field subtype '10016'. - Field 'Deposit Received' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry'
Integration Failed
Integration Results
3 documents were read from the source query.
3 documents were attempted:
0 integrated without warnings.
0 integrated with warnings.
3 failed to integrate.
The GP user I was logged in as has less permissions than I do.
After this (While still logged into the other user's computer as the other person), I logged out of GP as the other user then logged into GP as my user. When I ran the integration, it blew up and kicked me out of Integration Manager and GP.
After this, I went back to my machine. While logged into the network as myself, I logged into GP as the ‘sa’ user and ran the integration. This also blew up and kicked me out of Integration Manager and GP.
Both my user and the ‘sa’ user have Poweruser/full access to all functions in GP so it seems extremely unlikely that this failure/message is related to permissions for either GP user (myself or 'sa').
Do you have any ideas how I can run the integration from my machine.
One of the windows isn't modified or using a 3rd party dictionary is it? Have you turned on ShowDynamics in the IM.ini file? Are you using VBA on one of these windows?
Sorry Chris, I misread your post.
The fields I listed are not in the file. I was mentioning they exist in GP. I stripped the original file to the minimum fields:
SOP Number
Not sure Chris, but you could simplify the integration by eliminating the following fields:
Customer Name
Customer Class
Address Info
Item Description
UOM Schedule ID
Default Distribution Accounts
Default Price Level
Currency ID
and letting these default in from your Customer and Item records. You could be getting a conflict even though it appears there is none.
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