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Can you put a customer payment on hold so it can't be used automatically

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We have payment deposits for orders that sit in our customer ledger entries.  Our problem is the payment gets autoapplied against any new invoices.
Is there a way we can hold this payment from being utilised until we want it to be?
  • Can you put a customer payment on hold so it can't be used automatically
    Hi Again
    Thought this worked as suggested thru putting in something in the "ON HOLD" column in customer ledger entries.  However, going back to a customer that I had done this for, it has now been automatically applied to new invoices.
    Therefore no it doesn't work.
    any other suggestions or reasons why it won't work.
  • Suggested answer
    HVGEEL Profile Picture
    HVGEEL 286 on at
    Can you put a customer payment on hold so it can't be used automatically
    Check the Customer Card::Application Method
    My guess is that the Application Method for your Customers is set to Apply To Oldest. In that case, BC will actively apply the payment.
    Other suggestion is to pu the Customer Ledger Entry on Hold.
    Set (litterally) anything in the On Hold Field on the Customer Leder Entry.
  • Suggested answer
    KasparsSemjonovs Profile Picture
    KasparsSemjonovs 4,055 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Can you put a customer payment on hold so it can't be used automatically
    I know this can be done for Invoices, but haven't tried it for payments.
    In Customer Ledger Entries there is a column "On Hold" - usually it is hidden by default, but You can add it through Personalize. 
    In this columns You can enter any 3 symbols, and once this field is not empty, the system will not process this line, but as I said - I know this works for invoices for example in the Suggest Vendor Payment process.

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