RE: What table is customer balance coming from
I would like to intrude a shed a light on this issue as it is important. There is no type of invoices as current or 0-30 bucket, it is a relative issue depending on the cut of date you define, which usually shows in the Historical Aged Trial Balance (Age, as of __ _ _ )
The cut of date you define will define in which range invoices will fall. Let's try to get this clear through a simple example,
For the standard aging periods, (0-30 , 31-60 , 61-90 , 90 and over )
- Invoice date: 1/1/2014
- invoice Due date : Invoice date + 30 , 1/2/2014
- Current date: 14/8/2014
Now, if you print the report and age your receivable as of (20/2/2014), the invoice will show under the 0-30 bucket. Meanwhile, if you age as of (14/8/2014) the invoice will show under the (90 and over) bucket.
Now taking into consideration that aging buckets are configurable, it means that different buckets can be defined by the business. As for the (current) point in the SQL script, it is primarily related to invoiced which has a due date that is prior of the cut of date (not today), remember that the cut of date is a parameter that you pass on the historical aged trial balance. As for Ms. Victoria script, it is considering the current date, since she used the getdate() function, so the invoices are being aged as of today.
That's why Mr. Frank said initially it depends on your business and how you configure the buckets. In case you required any further in-depths references for deeper understanding from a business and accounting perspective, please let me know.
Please never hesitate to share any further inquiries,