The problem we are experiencing is when we do a Restore, we cannot re-create the “lost” documents (those that were created since the last backup).
For example, we did a backup when the last PO number was PO-123.
Create new PO's PO-124, 125, etc. up to PO-130.
Do a restore. GP will be at PO-123 again.
Try to re-create PO-124 and onward. When we "Submit" the re-created PO, we get a workflow failed error message.
We tried deleting the document records from the workflow website, and also restored the SharePoint databases. For some reason, GP will create PO number 124, 125 etc. but cannot Submit them for Approval. By manually changing the PO number to PO-131, I was able to Submit for workflow approval.
We would like to re-create “lost” POs with the same number. What if a PO went to a Vendor and when we do a backup that PO cannot be re-created?
Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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