Hi Support,
I have some questions regarding above subject and hope anyone can help me to find out the solution.
Example :-
1- CRM account (ccaagroup\anju.mohan) able to login to CRM system without any issue.
2- Suddenly user (ccaagroup\anju.mohan) unable to login and error prompted (No Microsoft Dynamics CRM user exists with the specified domain name and user ID)
3- Checked in CRM system and found that this user account is ACTIVE
4- Checked in Active Directory and found out that user account is missing.
5- Confirmed with Infra team this is due to Active Directory issue caused some account been deleted and cannot be recovered back.
6- Infra team had re-create back user account in Active Directory with same user logon name.
7- But still not able to access CRM system.
8- Can anyone advise? is there anyway to sync back from new AD account with old CRM account?
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