I'm pretty new in AL programming, so this might be pretty obvious to some of you.
I probably could find a solution just by having redundant data, but I want to find out what is possible in AL and have clean code. I've searched many forums, but couldn't find a fitting solution (or maybe it is really that complicated).
For the sake of better understanding I'll use a made up setup.
I have 3 (custom) tables:
1: /Bin/ (/Bin No./, Name, /Allowed Item Type/ [fruits, vegetables, sweets,...])
2: /Bin Item List/ (/Bin No./, /Custom Item No./, Amount/)
3: /Custom Item/ (/Custom Item No./, /Custom Item Type/ [fruits, vegetables, sweets,...])
I have 2 pages:
1: /Bin Header/, Document, linked to table 1
2: /Bin Item List/, List Part, linked to table 2 and Subpage of /Bin Header/.
I want the lookup for new items in the /Bin Item List/ to only contain those items with /Custom Item/./Custom Item Type/ = /Bin/./Allowed Item Type/.
Is there a nice way to just add an additional filter without writing a new lookup page or something like that?
Thanks in advance and have a nice day