Scenario 1:- Workflow Error is configured in OOB workflow like below in CRM and same is used in Portal to show Error when one of the field is blank. So instead of giving the Error which is configured it just shows Error on Web form of Portal.
Workflow setup :-
If condition (field is blank)
Stop workflow status as cancelled [ set properties :- set any message in the value ]
Scenario 2 :- In other way, same functionality is working on Entity Form meaning another OOB workflow is configured with different message in similar way and configured on Entity form and we can see the Workflow message on Portal Entity form.
Workflow setup :-
If condition (field is blank)
Stop workflow status as cancelled [ set properties :- set any message in the value ]
Question :- OOB Workflow configured message is only working on Entity form and not on Web form on Portal because the workflow in CRM is configured same way just used in Portal on different form and its showing message on Entity form but not on Web form.