On Logon Disabled for contact how to change the Error message as its showing common message for wrong Password and Logon Disabled "Invalid Sign-in attempt"
On Logon Disabled for contact how to change the Error message as its showing common message for wrong Password and Logon Disabled "Invalid Sign-in attempt"
Hi Ashok,
1.Have you registered first before logging in?
If not please register your email address and sign in with new Username and Password created.
2.If there are multiple contact records(include inactive records) with the same email address, this may cause the issue.
If so, you can try the following ways:
3.Incorrect password input for portal contact record:
-Reset the password for the portal contact using the "reset password" command on form ribbon.
4.Try to clear portal cache to login again.
5.Or you can refer the following link:
You can refer the following documentation to access detailed error logs for any issues on your portal.
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