Hi Experts,
I hope you're all doing well.
I'm using following piece of code to read text from a word template which I created via Word Layout Report.
FRef := Ref.Field(1);
FRef.SetRange(CustomerLedgerEntry."Sell-to Customer No.");
if Report.SaveAs(Report::CustomerLedgerEntriesJob, '', ReportFormat::Html, OutStr, Ref) then begin
"Email Message".Create(Customer."E-Mail", Subject, Body);
if Email.Send("Email Message", "Email Scenario"::Notification) then
Message('Email has sent.');
Also see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrJXze8zwT0 Eric Hougard is explaining in this video that how to create nice html templates.
But when I send the email, the html tags are also included in the email body. But in the Video Eric is not facing this problem. Screenshot is also attached.
Can anyone please tell me how to remove these html tags and send simply text in the email body. Answers will be highly appreciated.
Thanks for reading.