Hello all,
So I was able to setup taxes relatively easily. But now I'm running into a conundrum and need help in figuring out how to achieve my goal. What I need is to have different taxes posting into different general ledger accounts based on the province. As it is, this is what I'm trying to do:
// Provinces with HST, All taxes to 25500 account:
example: ONT(HST)>All taxes to 25500 account.
(Provinces with GST/PST:
>GST for all still goes to 25500,
Individual Provincial taxes:
//Provinces with GST/PST have to all be linked to the 25500 general ledger table for GST, and then individually linked as well to their respective general ledger tables for PST/RST.
AB(Only charges GST which can go to)>25500
No PST.//
But here's my problem. How do I link SK nd MB which have both PST/RST as well as GST to two different general ledger accounts? When I'm in the chart of accounts, I can only link 1:1 not 1:2. Am I missing something? Thanks.