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Try catch doesn't work in while loop x++

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I made a report that validate every line in General Journal this my code , I tried to remove ttsbegin and ttscommit , put them in try or in catch but doesn't work 

It doesn't hit the catch statement 

   while select  LedgerJournalTrans
            order by LedgerJournalTrans.LineNum
            where LedgerJournalTrans.JournalNum == JournalId
          //outer	join ledgerJournalTable
          //  where ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum == LedgerJournalTrans.JournalNum
          outer  join LedgerJournalProject
            where LedgerJournalProject.RefRecId == LedgerJournalTrans.RecId
            LedgerJournalTmp.JounralNum = LedgerJournalTrans.JournalNum;
            LedgerJournalTmp.LineNumber = LedgerJournalTrans.LineNum;
                    LedgerJournalPost::simulatePost(JournalTrans,JournalTransId,true, true, false, formStr(LedgerJournalTransDaily), ledgerJournalEngine);
             sysInfologEnumerator = SysInfologEnumerator::newData(infolog.infologData());
                while (sysInfologEnumerator.moveNext() )
                    message = sysInfologEnumerator.currentMessage();
                    str dim = 'You must select a value in the Department field in combination with the following dimensions values that are valid:';

                    if (strScan(message,dim,1,strLen(dim)) || strScan(message,'Dimension values were validated with this account structure: Contrack FM - With Dimensions',1,1000))
                        LedgerJournalTmp.DefaultDimension = NoYes::Yes ;

                    if( message == 'Project stage Finished does not allow recording in this project.')
                    LedgerJournalTmp.ProjectStatus = NoYes::Yes;
                    if (strScan(message,strFmt( 'MainAccount %1 is closed.',mainAccount),1,strLen(strFmt( 'MainAccount %1 is closed.',mainAccount))) || strScan(message,strFmt( 'MainAccount %1 is closed.',mainAccount),1,strLen(strFmt( 'MainAccount %1 is closed.',mainAccount))))
                        LedgerJournalTmp.LedgerSuspend = NoYes::Yes ;
                    //else if(( message == 'Dimension values were validated with this account structure: Contrack FM - With Dimensions')||(message == strFmt("Account structure SystemGeneratedHierarchyProject for the combination %1 is not valid for ledger CFM" ,projId)))
                    //LedgerJournalTmp.DefaultDimension = NoYes::Yes;

                    if( message == strFmt("Period for %1 does not exist." ,LedgerJournalTrans.TransDate)  || strFmt("Fiscal period for %1 is not open." ,LedgerJournalTrans.TransDate))
                    LedgerJournalTmp.TransDate = NoYes::Yes;

                    if(strScan(message,"The combination project/category is mandatory, but does not exist for project",1,1000) != 0)
                    LedgerJournalTmp.CategoryCombination = NoYes::Yes;

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,836 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Try catch doesn't work in while loop x++

    I'm not going to duplicate the discussion; find my reply in the original thread.

  • Suggested answer
    Mohit Rampal Profile Picture
    Mohit Rampal 12,552 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Try catch doesn't work in while loop x++

    Hi Menna, I think even if you manage to get Catch statement hit, your code will not work. You are trying to insert error logs in a temporary table. Instead you should create a regular Log table. (Not sure why your catch statement is not hit).

    check this article

  • Menna Allah Ahmed Profile Picture
    Menna Allah Ahmed 163 on at
    RE: Try catch doesn't work in while loop x++

    I asked you another questions but you didn't answer

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,836 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Try catch doesn't work in while loop x++

    This is a duplicate. It's already discussed in Try catch doesn't work in RDP class ProcessReport () method x++.

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