Hello all,
Need guidance on how to bring the "Register using an external account " section on top of "Register for a new local account section" in the Portal registration page ? As in both of them should align vertically. Thanks
Hello all,
Need guidance on how to bring the "Register using an external account " section on top of "Register for a new local account section" in the Portal registration page ? As in both of them should align vertically. Thanks
Hi Harish,
Thankyou so much for your quick response. Your solution worked like a charm.
Modify the bootstarp.min.css file to make these changes.
To find the bootstrap file navigate to Portals - Webfiles - the file will be in the notes as attachement.
Download the file to edit it.
Find the css object in the file .col-md-12{float:left} and replace it with .col-md-12{float:none}
Save the file and upload it to the webfile as new attachment.
By doing this you will be able to align both sections vertically.
You can try modify the css file further more to achieve your requirement.
Also you can edit the register or signin page using content snippets as well. Please use the below steps to edit the content and create the relevant content snippets in CRM
Hope this helps!
Harish M
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