Re: How to use GPConnNet.dll in ASP.Net
Hi Maggie
You can use GPConnNet.DLL inside an ASP.NET application but you have to be very careful about which properties of the DLL you use. Otherwise are will get the somewhat cryptic error message you are currently experiencing.
The GPConnNet.DLL, if embeded into a VSTools addin module can read GP runtime time information i.e. the property "Dynamics.Globals.UserId.Value" can be used to read the current GP user account. This property, and others like it, will be non-functional if the DLL is used outside of GP ( eg in an ASP.NET app) and will give the above mentioned error message.
Another thing to look out for is check that you have compiled your app in 32 bit mode not 64 bit, as this will also cause problems.
Regards Andrew Dean
Envisage Software Solutions