Hi All,
I am trying to import data for a custom entity with Opportunity as a lookup field in the custom entity. The import file has Opportunity Name as one of the fields.
There are multiple opportunities with the same name with one being Open and others in closed state. When the users try to import the custom entity records it fails with error "A duplicate lookup reference was found" which is an expected behavior.
But, users complain that they have been performing this earlier as well with multiple opportunities sharing the same name and never encountered this issue.
I tried to reproduce the same in DEV environment where I had sample data with an Opportunity name which has more than one record in the system i.e. 1 Open and others closed and to my surprise it was imported successfully. Any logical explanation for why CRM is behaving differently and how do I get to behave the Production the same as DEV where even though with multiple opportunity records are present with same name, the records are imported successfully and mapped to the correct lookup reference i.e. Opportunity record.
Please no advises for using GUID and also there are no other field in Opportunity entity that holds a unique value.