I have a concern whether to use g/l directly instead of general posting group cause its a service company while the situation is that each service have their G/L Account is that the best solution or shall i use item service and attached with product posting group.
If you are worried about access to more G/L accounts than needed you can look into using security filters so users can not access other G/L accounts than those they will use on their sales invoices.
Where I come from it is very common to invoice directly to an G/L account if you sell services and have limited needs for details sales statistics.
I agree with Shauna, that direct G/L accounts provide access to G/L information that you may want to protect. We generally recommend against using G/L Accounts on Sales/Purchase/etc. transactions.
I wanted to also throw out the suggestion of using Resources. Essentially, they operate the same as Items of Type Service, but is generally less confusing for Users.
Inventory set up as service are non-physical items which often represents a time unit such as labour time. There are only limited transaction types for Service items that include; Sales, Purchasing, and Job Consumption.
Some of the vital points about Non-Inventory and Service Item Types are below:
An Item Ledger Entry is created when a sales or purchase transaction is posted. But there will be no Cost Amount Actual and Remaining Quantity that will be recorded, hence the inventory and value are not tracked. The Quantity is still recorded in the ILE and the value is recorded in the Non-Inventoriable field.
Non-Inventory and Service items are excluded in the Inventory Valuation report.
Item Journal adjustments or a stocktaking cannot be posted for these item types.
Location Codes cannot be used when posting transactions. The transaction can still be posted if the location code is blank and the Location Mandatory field is enabled in the Inventory Setup.
Stockout warnings, planning parameters, reservations, item tracking, inventory posting groups cannot be used.
Take a look at this link to see if this can help you decide.
Using items rather than G/L accounts means that the users are not gaining unwanted access to the G/L as that will be controlled by the setup against the items.
Hope that helps,
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