I'm taking over a solution built by a consultant have looked through all the documentation they left, but could not figure out one final piece. We have a custom entity called Patient Outreach Program that has a N:1 relationship to the contact entity. We do outreaches to our patients for specific programs (annual wellness, colonoscopy screening, etc). My task was to create a new program for diabetes and I have set up everything like the previous programs as far as I can tell, except for one thing that isn't working.
When we import new records into this Patient Outreach Program entity for programs created by the consultant, the lookup field in the contact entity gets automatically populated to point to the related record in the Patient Outreach Program entity. But for the new program I created for Diabetes outreach, the Patient Outreach Program records are created but the lookup field in the contact entity is not being populated. I thought maybe the consultant created a workflow to do this, but there is none. I also thought maybe Dynamics would do this automatically but it doesn't seem to be doing that either.
Currently at a loss and hoping others here have suggestions for how a lookup field can be populated on the "1" side of a N:1 relationship automatically when importing records into the "N" side.