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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Wipe out all items from a store database.

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Posted on by 502

Can you wipe all the items out of a store database and then rebuild it from the HQ through the HQ client, and if so, how would you do it? Thanks.

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  • Suggested answer
    Roger Oakes Profile Picture
    Roger Oakes 502 on at
    RE: Wipe out all items from a store database.

    Hey Todd,

    I have replaced the store database at the store that had the original problem by exporting the one store that will allow me to do that, and everything seems fine there. There are 86 duplicate customers in the home store database (per your query), all of which appear to be generated at the other store that was set up 9 years ago. There are 23 duplicate customer entries in the store where those 86 were generated, none of the 23 are the same as the 86. It's really a very interesting problem and I have learned a whole lot about how these databases work and interact, so there is silver lining here. There are 3 stores (2 retail and one warehouse created originally when RMS was implemented 9 years ago), and 2 stores brought online 1 year ago. Unfortunately, I used the original store template to create the 2 new stores and that's where the duplicate items came from.

    I say all that to say this. It appears the original problem has been solved (in great part due to your help). In that solving more problems have been revealed that I will take on now. By the way, I'm Jim and not Roger, the site insists on me being Roger (even though I'm logging in with my own account), and I just don't think it's worth my time to figure out why that is. Roger is the owner.

    Thanks for all your help on this one, it has been by far the determining factor in getting this situation resolved, and I'm sure I'll be back with other fun stuff real soon.

    Thanks you so much.

  • ToddB Profile Picture
    ToddB on at
    RE: Wipe out all items from a store database.

    Thanks for the update Roger,

    It's hard to say; but if the duplicates are only at the store they may not upload to HQ.


  • Roger Oakes Profile Picture
    Roger Oakes 502 on at
    RE: Wipe out all items from a store database.

    Interestingly enough, when I run the duplicate customer query on the headquarters customer table no duplicates show up. Is that normal? Now am going to run it on the store where the duplicates originated.

  • Roger Oakes Profile Picture
    Roger Oakes 502 on at
    RE: Wipe out all items from a store database.

    Hey Todd,

    Still messing with this. I actually can export the using one of the stores, which I am going to use if I can't get the others to work. There are actually 86 duplicate customer records in the home store database (all of which were added at one of the satellite stores). This mess just keeps getting more and more interesting. Thanks for all your help, so sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I'm gonna check all the stores and headquarters for duplicate customers before proceeding.

  • Verified answer
    ToddB Profile Picture
    ToddB on at
    RE: Wipe out all items from a store database.

    Hello Roger,

    There are no KB articles I could find around an error on the customer table when exporting a store.

    To check for duplicate customers you can run something similar to the below:

    select accountnumber, count(accountnumber) from customer group by accountnumber having count(accountnumber) > 1

    Hopefully this helps; and you could also check to see if you get the same error using a different template DB or when exporting a different store database.

    This may also be a case where you need to contact Technical Support to create a new support incident: or 1-888-477-7877

    Please let me know what you find out.


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Wipe out all items from a store database.

    Hi Roger,

    In our case, Article which Todd has mentioned fixed error 0 msg. If you are sure that while exporting customer data it gives a export 0 error, Check if there's any duplicate entries exists under same AccountsNumber column.

    This is not  possible to get duplicated at Front End

  • Roger Oakes Profile Picture
    Roger Oakes 502 on at
    RE: Wipe out all items from a store database.

    The problem seems to happen when exporting the customer data. Is there a similar fix for that table?

    thanks very much for your help! This is a massive nightmare and the documentation on this stuff is literally nonexistent. Again, thanks.

  • ToddB Profile Picture
    ToddB on at
    RE: Wipe out all items from a store database.

    Hello Roger,

    I would first take a look at the following KB articles:

    862876: Error 0 appears on the Item table during the export of an existing store in Headquarters Administrator

    2601889: Error Message on the DatabaseMetaData table when you try to export a new or existing Microsoft Dynamics Store Operations database store in Microsoft Dynamics Headquarters Administrator: "Error 0: An error was encountered while exporting data."

    Please let me know if this answers your question.


  • Roger Oakes Profile Picture
    Roger Oakes 502 on at
    RE: Wipe out all items from a store database.

    Hi Todd,

    Thank you for confirming what I had suspected about the deleting of the items from the store database. My next problem is that when I try to export the store database from headquarters I very quickly get the following error:  An error was reported while exporting data. Your store operations database is incomplete and may not work correctly. Error 0:

    Any idea what may be causing this error?

    Thanks again!

  • ToddB Profile Picture
    ToddB on at
    RE: Wipe out all items from a store database.

    Hello Roger,

    Thank you for posting your question about rebuilding a store database.

    Deleting items will cause issues at the store.

    I would recommend exporting the store again from HQ; and restoring the database at the store.

    NOTE: This should be done after all uploads for the day are done; and you will want to ensure all registers point at the new store database at the store if you restore it as a different name.

    Also, make a backup of the existing store DB.

    Please let me know if this answers your question.


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