I'm currently having some problems with an Opportunity>Quote>Order>Invoice process flow that I have set up. Generally whenever I'm testing it everything works fine, but with users getting in and using it now they are running into random situations where the business flow will reset back to the first stage, and possibly wipe any data set in the stages already.
Now if they are still in the Opportunity stages this isn't a huge deal as the data can be re-entered and the stage moved forward, but if the stage is on Quote or Order stage (and the Quote or Oppotrunity is Won or Read-Only for some other reason), they are unable to move the process flow stage forward, as the Opportunity is now Read-Only.
This has happened at least a few times so far, and each time I've gone in to set the Opportunity and Quote back to Open so the process flow can be moved forward to the proper stage, then closing those records again. This is fine for a couple of times, but clearly not a long term solution.
Has anyone run into a similar problem before, or have any idea what might be causing the process to reset in the first place?
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