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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

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We faced an issue today where we have a specific user linked to a specific security role; suddenly the user started to receive "Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you is a solution is available", and that's on the user's PC or on nay other PC when he tries to login using his logins credentials. What's not understandable is when we remove this security role from the user and link him to another security role he can login with no issue; knowing that same security role causing the issue is linked to other users and all of them working with no issue at all, so it's like a user/role combination issue.

On the server we have the same issue when try to login with this user logins credentials however we receive more details about it as below:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: Dynamics.exe

Application Version: 11.0.359.0

Application Timestamp: 4fbc76c7

Fault Module Name: Dynamics.exe

Fault Module Version: 11.0.359.0

Fault Module Timestamp: 4fbc76c7

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 0004853d

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:

LCID: 1033

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

    We re on GP 2013 R2 12.00.1801 and experiencing some GPCRASH issues.  Our users do not use tasks.  What issues might arise if we set FactBoxVisible = 0 where it is not 0?

    or delete records from SY01403 or SY01404

    Thank you,


  • RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

    App crashes are hard guys because there can be so many different things that can cause them especially when your logging in there is so many things that are happening. Let's start with the following:

    1. Run the following script but change the it to reflect the user having the issue:

    Select * from Dynamics..SY1403 where userid = 'username'


    This is the Task table so if there are a lot of records returned, backup of the table (select * into sy01403bak from sy01403) and then delete the records for this one user.

    2. If the issue still happens run the following script:

    Select * from Dynamics..SY01404 where username = 'username'

    Again if there is a large number of records you can backup the table and then delete the records.

  • alaadin_75 Profile Picture
    alaadin_75 1,435 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

    I think during the task/reminder form loading, but as communicated we did inactivate and remove all reminders and shortcuts for this user, shall we try it again ?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

    There was an interesting APPCRASH disussion here a while back - not sure how releated it will be to your situation, but here it is:

  • Rosemary Profile Picture
    Rosemary 2 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

    In our scenario, it happens when the user is printing checks, because the system crashes the check remains with a 'check printing' status for a little while before processing can take place.

  • Rosemary Profile Picture
    Rosemary 2 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

    I have a user with the same problem, she was working well in GP 10, and then after our upgrade to GP 2013, this started happening with this particular user. The profile was re-created, but, the problem is still there. 

    Other users are working with the same role/access with no issues.

  • RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

    While that is true Harry that should only happen when you are opening something on the Navigation areas such as Purchasing, Sales, Etc. That issue is because SRS is deployed but security is not setup. On those area pages there are SRS KPI's that load and crash if you do not have security setup but SRS reports are deployed.

    When does GP actually crash?

  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

    I am just going to put this out there.  When I did one of my first GP 2013 upgrades users were experiencing crashes due to business analyzer components problems.  If a user has these objects in their home window, or clicks on windows, which have these components, GP bombed unceremoniously.  

    The error was “GP has stopped working” ...

    The first fix was to disabled these components by Clicking Ctrl+F2 on any screens experiencing the problem...

    We disabled these components altogether with the following script:

    UPDATE DYNAMICS..SY07225 SET FactBoxVisible = 0  

    Prior to finding the script we did a manual process

  • RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

    Does that security role give access to any 3rd party windows? Have you created a new role (not doing a copy of the bad role) and setup permission on the role?

  • alaadin_75 Profile Picture
    alaadin_75 1,435 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP has stopped working (User/Role issue)

    We tried to delete and recreate the user with same ID, giving same error with same role. We un-checked all user home page short cuts and reminders (blank home page), also from navigation pane (only empty folders), still same issue.

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