Hello Everyone:
Can someone assist me in auto populating the Effective From and To dates on a quote. I would like that when I Create or save a Quote that it automatically puts in today's date for Effective from and then calculates 60 days to populate into the Effective To.
There was a post similar to this and they had this script and I placed it into the Quote form Properties but it did not work. Do I need to set some Parameters or use the Non-event Dependencies.
function SetDueDateField() { var dateFieldValue= Xrm.Page.getAttribute('effectivefrom').getValue(); var year = dateFieldValue.getFullYear(); var month = dateFieldValue.getMonth(); var day = dateFieldValue.getDate(); var dateOnly = new Date(year,month,day)+60; Xrm.Page.getAttribute("effectiveto").setValue(dateOnly); }
Any help would be great
Note I'm not a programmer
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