Please help me this error when public app or debug: SchemaUpdateMode=synchronize&DependencyPublishingOption=default failed with code UnprocessableEntity. Reason: The extension could not be deployed because it is already deployed on another tenant.
I have taken the following steps:
I change the field size on the table and run "schemaUpdateMode": "ForceSync" in launch.json (after deploy i block //"schemaUpdateMode": "ForceSync",):
Then deploy app as steps bellow (extention install OK):
- Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance BC140 -Path "C:\Extension DEV from LIVE\ITDOF_UPGRADE\ITDOF_ITDOF_UPGRADE_18.4.4.110.app" –SkipVerification
- Sync-NAVApp -ServerInstance BC140 -Name "ITDOF_UPGRADE" -Version -Mode ForceSync
- Start-NAVAppDataUpgrade -ServerInstance BC140 -Name "ITDOF_UPGRADE" -Version
If I public directly from VS Code or Debug (F5) I get an error as picture:
I don’t know when change size field (ex: code[20] -> code[30]) I deploy it right (command) ? cause and how to fix it, please help me !!!