I have build many simple extensions for my company that use business central (cloud version) but today after 3 years without no issue when i build a new version of mine extension appear this error
error AL0132: 'Record "Sales Header"' does not contain a definition for 'EOS User Defined Field 20'
Sales Header is a table
'EOS User Defined Field 20' is a field come from third part extension that i used many times without any problem
in app json i have already declare the dependency of that extension, knowing that is a common missing releted to this kind of issue.
{ "id": "5d2c2370-931f-423b-bfb5-2128499f89ff", "publisher": "EOS Solutions", "name": "Custom Defined Fields", "version": "" },
field("EOSUserDefinedField20"; Rec."EOS User Defined Field 20") { Caption = 'EOSUserDefinedField20'; ApplicationArea = All; }