Good day Manuel -
Thank you for posting to the community forum for this issue.
In support when upgrading from an older version of SL to a current one, with customization, we suggest to run the Export Customization process from your older version of SL (in your case 7 FP1), then before running the upgrade to 2018 CU1, delete the customization from the database. Once the database is upgraded, import the customization that were exported earlier. In most cases the import process will update the VBA changes from the old screen structure/code to the new version.
For steps on importing the DH files, you can reference the Customization Manager User Guide. Here is an excerpt from mine:
To include an SQL table not already accessed by a screen:
Regardless of whether an SQL table is new (one created by you) or an existing Microsoft Dynamics SL SQL table, if it is an additional table not accessed by the screen to be customized, you must access the table manually and update it by entering Visual Basic for Applications statements within the Customization Manager module’s Visual Basic Editor(VBA IDE) Window.
You must define the SQL table using the Visual Basic for Applications code Type command. This definition is usually in a separate file that is then copied to the Microsoft Dynamics SL Programs directory. For Visual Basic for Applications, the file will need to be added to the project in the VBA IDE. Select File | Import File from the VBA IDE menu with the modules selected to add a DH file.
1. In the Form1 Load event (under Event), there must be a Setaddr call and a Sqlcursor call for each new record to be accessed. For example:
Call Setaddr(“bfilename”, bfilename, nfilename,
Call Sqlcursor(c1, NOLEVEL)
2. Once these calls have been made, the Customization Manager module recognizes these records as being part of the current screen and allows you to add data objects associated with these objects.
I hope this is what you are looking for.
Thank you,
MSDSL Technical Support