I want to setup a "permission set" for a purchaser:
- Create/modify sales quote
- Process a reception on a purchase order
- Create an incoming document (representing an invoice)
Typically, this type of user only need a "team license".
I don't want this user to be able to access sales functionnalities (
I want to configure a "permission set" for a buyer:
- Create/edit a sales quote
- Process a receipt on a purchase order
- Create an incoming document (representing an invoice)
This type of user only needs a “team" license.
I do not want this user to be able to access sales functionalities (access to customers, sales quotes, sales invoices, etc.)
I tried to use the following permission sets:
- "D365 PURCH DOC, EDIT". But its missing all the prerequisites allowing me to access the business central (ex: login)
- What permissions sets are the minimum prerequisites to D365 PURCH DOC, EDIT ?
- "D365 TEAM MEMBER". It works, but gives access to all sales features
- I know I can exclude permissions from this permission set... but is there a list of objects that refer to sales I can use ?