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Problem with AL Programming for a university project

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Problem Description

I am working on creating a table and a page in Business Central using AL. Below is the table and page code I’ve implemented:

Table Code:

table 123456700 "DIM_Mitarbeiter"
Caption = 'DIM_Mitarbeiter';
DataClassification = ToBeClassified;

field(1; "No."; Code[20])
Caption = 'Mitarbeiter Nr.';
DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
field(2; "Department"; Text[30])
Caption = 'Abteilung';
DataClassification = ToBeClassified;

key(PK; "No.")
Clustered = true;

Page Code:

page 123456700 "DIM_Mitarbeiter_Page"
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'DIM_Mitarbeiter_Page';
PageType = Card;
SourceTable = DIM_Mitarbeiter;

field("No."; "No.")
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'Mitarbeiter Nr.';
field("Department"; "Department")
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'Abteilung';

Caption = 'Neuen Mitarbeiter hinzufügen';
ApplicationArea = All;
trigger OnAction()

Errors Encountered

  1. Error: The name 'No.' does not exist in the current context.

    • This error occurs for the field("No."; "No.") line in the page code.
    • However, the No. field is properly defined in the table as field(1; "No."; Code[20]).
  2. Error: The name 'Department' does not exist in the current context.

    • This error occurs for the field("Department"; "Department") line in the page code.
    • The Department field is also defined in the table as field(2; "Department"; Text[30]).
  3. Error: 'CurrPage.InsertRecord()' does not exist.

    • This occurs in the InsertNew action of the page.
    • I’ve set the PageType to Card, but the InsertRecord method does not seem to work with Card.

Steps I’ve Tried

  1. Verified the Table Definition:

    • Both No. and Department fields are defined in the table.
    • The table has been saved and published successfully.
  2. Changed the PageType:

    • I attempted to change the PageType from Card to List, but the issue persisted.
  3. Recompiled and Republished:

    • The project was recompiled using AL: Publish Without Debugging.
    • No compilation errors were reported.

Expected Behavior

  1. The page should correctly display the No. and Department fields from the table.
  2. The InsertRecord action should allow adding new records to the table.


  1. Why is the page not recognizing the fields (No., Department) defined in the table?
  2. How can I resolve the 'InsertRecord' does not exist error for a Card or List page?

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated!

  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 13,918 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Problem with AL Programming for a university project

    Hi, good day
    I hope this can help you, and give you some hints.

    Refreshing the page on Table Extension

    Best Regards

  • Suggested answer
    Khushbu Rajvi. Profile Picture
    Khushbu Rajvi. 8,151 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Problem with AL Programming for a university project
    You can add CurrPage.Update(true); after the Insert operations to force the page to refresh.
  • Suggested answer
    Alexander Drogin Profile Picture
    Alexander Drogin 256 on at
    Problem with AL Programming for a university project
    You can't see the records because the page is not refreshed after the insert. If you want to update records from a page action and see the result in the same page, you need to call CurrPage.Update(false) after inserting records.
    And on a separate note, although not related to the problem. It is not considered a good practice to keep application logic in UI actions. A much better way is to move the code into a procedure declared in a codeunit, and call this procedure from the action trigger. If you declare "No." and Department as parameters of this procedure, you can eliminate code duplication and call the procedure four times with different sets of arguments.
  • CU15012354-0 Profile Picture
    CU15012354-0 4 on at
    Problem with AL Programming for a university project
    thank you to everyone who helped me. 
    I still had a question. I have now further developed the code and now have the problem that the page 
    that i created is not filled with data that is relevant to the task. 
    page 123456700 "DIM_Mitarbeiter_Page"
        ApplicationArea = All;
        Caption = 'DIM_Mitarbeiter_Page';
        PageType = List;
        SourceTable = DIM_Mitarbeiter;
                    field("No."; Rec."No.")
                        ApplicationArea = All;
                        Caption = 'Mitarbeiter Nr.';
                    field("Department"; Rec."Department")
                        ApplicationArea = All;
                        Caption = 'Abteilung';
                    Caption = 'Standarddaten einfügen';
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                    trigger OnAction()
                        RecDimMitarbeiter: Record "DIM_Mitarbeiter";
                        Department: Text[30];
                        // Alle bestehenden Einträge löschen
                        // Standard-Datensätze einfügen
                        Department := 'Produktion';
                        RecDimMitarbeiter."No." := 'M001';
                        RecDimMitarbeiter."Department" := Department;
                        Department := 'Verwaltung';
                        RecDimMitarbeiter."No." := 'M002';
                        RecDimMitarbeiter."Department" := Department;
                        Department := 'Verkauf';
                        RecDimMitarbeiter."No." := 'M003';
                        RecDimMitarbeiter."Department" := Department;
                        Department := 'Produktion';
                        RecDimMitarbeiter."No." := 'M004';
                        RecDimMitarbeiter."Department" := Department;
                        Message('Standarddaten wurden erfolgreich eingefügt.');
  • Suggested answer
    Khushbu Rajvi. Profile Picture
    Khushbu Rajvi. 8,151 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
  • Suggested answer
    Khushbu Rajvi. Profile Picture
    Khushbu Rajvi. 8,151 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Problem with AL Programming for a university project
    Agree with the previous response for points 1 and 2; try using the Rec.FieldName.
    As for point 3, CurrPage.InsertRecord() is not a valid function. What exactly are you trying to achieve with that?
  • Alexander Drogin Profile Picture
    Alexander Drogin 256 on at
    Problem with AL Programming for a university project
    To add to the previous answer: what you are trying to do accessing tables fields in the page is called "implicit with statement". It used to work in older versions of BC and NAV, but is being deprecated. So now you need to give the explicit record variable in the page.
  • Suggested answer
    Ramiz Profile Picture
    Ramiz 474 on at
    Problem with AL Programming for a university project

    You need to use Rec with fields
    field("No."; Rec."No.")
    	ApplicationArea = All;
    	Caption = 'Mitarbeiter Nr.';
    field("Department"; Rec."Department")
    	ApplicationArea = All;
    	Caption = 'Abteilung';
    There is no function called CurrPage,InsertRecord. For insertion you need to create a logic. You can check existing logic like customer and vendor and use that. Also for automatic numbering you should use no series.

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