Hi Sandeep,
what is the reason for resolving case manually when we are resolving case automaticaly?
Everyone does not want to resolve a case automatically...thats why there is a button provided so that they can close/resolve it manually. community.dynamics.com/.../214027 read my answer in this thread, I have already explained well.
where are these fields located [resolution type,resolution,total time,billable time]
Resolution Type is nothing but the Status Reason of your cases under status 'Resolved'
Total Time: This is auto-populated based on duration of all activities completed regarding this case
Billable Time: By default it remains the same as Total Time, but you can change it to bill the client more in case required
Resolution, Remarks, Billable Time are found on an activity called 'Case Resolution'. This activity is only created when a case is resolved. You can advanced find it>>look for activities>>activity type=case resolution>>hit results
It seems you are new to CRM and getting confused, in a way Andrii is right, because we are trying to explain things to you but you keep on asking same question. if there is a communication gap do let us know.
Following are few guides for cases, you must read: